TMC conducting Fellowship 2024

Conducting Fellows lead the extraordinary Tanglewood Music Center Orchestra, sharing the podium with internationally renowned conductors, who serve as teachers and mentors. Fellows participate in masterclasses with BSO Music Director Andris Nelsons as well as visiting faculty.

  • Applications are now open for the conducting program! Apply using the button at the bottom of the page.

Tanglewood Music Center Orchestra

Two conducting fellows are chosen each year to lead the world class Tanglewood Music Center Orchestra in at least five works a season, experiencing a minimum 15 hours of independent podium time with the group. In the 2023 season works led by fellows included Britten Four Sea Interludes, Kodály Suite from Háry János, Rachmaninoff Isle of the Dead, Ravel Suite from Mother Goose, and Strauss Don Juan.

Masterclasses and Faculty

Conducting fellows at the TMC participate in several masterclasses each season, both public and private. The 2024 program will include four classes with Boston Symphony Orchestra Music Director Andris Nelsons, as well as classes with Alan Gilbert and Dima Slobodeniouk, as well as a class focusing on concerto accompanying with violinist Hilary Hahn.

Fellows also interact with BSO guest conductors, soloists, and musicians in a variety of formats, including rehearsal observation, classes, score study sessions, and informal discussions, and work daily conducting faculty Stefan Asbury.

Special Projects and New Music

Conducting fellows often take on larger chamber works performed by the instrumental fellows for non-orchestral programs, including those that involve the Vocal Arts Program fellows and faculty, under the leadership of Dawn Upshaw. They also have significant involvement in the Festival of Contemporary Music, giving the world premieres of TMC-commissioned works.

Conducting Seminar

In addition to the two conducting fellows, each summer, a small group of student conductors is selected from finalists for the fellowship and invited to attend Tanglewood for a period of up to two weeks, so that they can become familiar with all that Tanglewood has to offer. During their time on campus, seminarians attend conducting classes with reading ensemble, observe the full working process of TMCO and BSO concert sequences, and live in the manner of regular TMC Fellows, with room and board provided.

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