Brabant Sinfonia International Conducting Masterclass 2024The Netherlands

Brabant Sinfonia is a semi-professional symphony orchestra that has a long history in Tilburg. With the arrival of chief conductor Joost Smeets in 2022, Brabant Sinfonia wants to profile itself even more as an all-round orchestra that, in a variety of compositions, is at home in many musical styles.

This summer, Joost Smeets is organizing, together with Brabant Sinfonia and in cooperation with the Fontys Academy of the Arts the BSICM24! Each active participant will have at least 90 minutes on the podium, where they will have the opportunity to work with a full symphony orchestra, full symphony orchestra with piano- soloist, string-ensemble, wind-ensemble and two pianists. Video recordings of all sessions included the final concert will be made, which will be analysed by the Maestro during video-sessions in the course-week, along with the participants. Selected active participants will have the opportunity to perform in front of the audience at the final-concert on 6th of July in the Great Hall of the Factorium Cultuurmakers Tilburg. Apply, contact and more information about the Brabant Sinfonia International Conducting Masterclass 2024 via:

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