Spotlight on Zoltán Kodály and Wolfgang Rihm – MASTER COURSE FOR CONDUCTORS

2017.06.10. – 2017.06.15.
Budapest Music Center, Budapest, Hungary

10-15 June, 2017, Budapest Music Center


The Peter Eötvös Contemporary Music Foundation in cooperation with the Budapest Music Center announces a master course with orchestra for conductors between 10th-15th June, 2017, in Budapest (Hungary).

The call is open for conductors of all nationalities. The course is suitable for advanced conducting students and professional conductors with special interest in contemporary music repertoire.


PETER EÖTVÖS, conductor and composer (Hungary)
GREGORY VAJDA, conductor and composer (Hungary)

DANUBIA ORCHESTRA Óbuda, Budapest, Hungary

Language of the course:

English, German, French, Hungarian

Course program:

Wolfgang Rihm: Verwandlung 2 (Universal Edition)

Zoltán Kodály: The Peacock (EMB Budapest, Universal Music Group)

Zoltán Kodály: Háry János-Suite (Universal Edition)
Thorough and detailed knowledge of all three works is a requirement of active participation. Each participant must provide his/her own scores.


Budapest Music Center (1093 Budapest, Mátyás u. 8.)

Application material for active conductors:

online application form, video recording, curriculum vitae with repertoire list, photo. Online application submitted through the website of the foundation (click ‘application’ button below) is obligatory.

Up to 12 conductors will be accepted as “active” participants. The selection will take place based on the video recordings (youtube / video links) provided by the applicants. Regarding the videos, we kindly ask you to send us recordings of rehearsals instead of concerts, and we also recommend choosing 20th or 21st century repertoire for conducting.

Application material for observers:

online application form only.

Age limit
for active conductors is 35 years, observers are accepted without age limit.

Application deadline
: 23rd April 2017

of the active status will be sent until 1st May, 2017.

Those who are not selected, are also welcomed as observer during the master course. Concerning the unique program we highly recommend to consider this opportunity as well.


Selected active participants: 700 € (to be paid until 15 May, 2017):

Observers: 100 € (to be paid before the course starts)
by bank transfer to the following account:

Peter Eötvös Contemporary Music Foundation

Bank name: K&H Bank Budapest

IBAN: HU76 1020 1006 6019 4912 0000 0000

Partial attendance gives no right for fee reduction.

The course contribution includes extra programs: during the course all participants receive free tickets for jazz concerts in the Opus Jazz Club in Budapest Music Center and they can take part in concerts.

The contribution does not include travel, accommodation and meal, participants shall organize their accommodation. Upon request, we can help to find private or hotel accommodation within walking distance of the venue.


Scholarships are available, applicants should indicate their request on the application form and a recommendation letter must also be enclosed.

Please note: we can not accept requests after we close the application process and the Foundation has the right not to provide any scholarships.


09 June, 2017 Arrival of participants

10-11 June Consultation without orchestra, lecture about Zoltán Kodály

12-15 June Rehearsals with orchestra

14 June Public meeting at the BMC Library: Wolfgang Rihm’s works

15 June Closing concert in the BMC Concert Hall conducted by the selected conductor participants

16 June, 2017 Departure of participants


The conducting sessions and the concert will be recorded on video and a short professional documentary film will be available online after the course. The concert may be live streamed, all participants agree as they take part in the event.


Active participants will receive diploma, observers will receive attendance certificate, signed by all professors.


We are thankful for the support of the Budapest Music Center, Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne, Goethe Institute Budapest.

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